Families: Reestablishing Relationships After a Storm

Family relationships can be damaged for many reasons. Conflicts can arise from different views and hurt feelings over both serious and trivial concerns. Things like finances, house chores, jealousy, parenting differences etc. can generate conflict. Ignored, these conflicts can lead to painful rifts between family members. Conflict resolution can rebuild and strengthen family relationships, but this can be tough to do on your own. Counseling can help with this.

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It is natural for people to have different views about things, especially in families. A household with more members, such as children, extended family, or stepchildren, has more potential reasons and opportunities for conflict.

For instance, a parent may see rules as a form of guidance, while an adolescent may perceive them as an affront to their independence or violations of their rights. A stepparent may consider a decision to be fair, but a stepchild may see it as biased. A grandparent may consider something to be an act of kindness, but it may be misconstrued as meddling by a parent or a grandchild.

Because there is love among the members of a family and they do not want to aggravate the issues, there is also a tendency for everyone to keep their emotions under a tight lid. While this can prevent immediate and frequent fights, it may lead to more intense conflicts later on. This may seem wise due to short term benefits, though this will more than likely lead to long term consequences. Early intervention can make a world of difference, seeking family therapy can be of great help.

Resolving Anger

The home is supposed to be a haven where family members seek refuge when things are turbulent. When the family relationships are strained, however, it can feel as if there is nowhere to go. This can push family members toward negative supports, behaviors and even make them more likely to take unhealthy risks.

The price of doing nothing about these disagreements, particularly after an emotional confrontation, can be confusion and anger. Confused children may act out and express their inner turmoil in anger. Anger can be experienced by any family member when they perceive another’s actions as intrusive, hateful or wrong. It can be important to address these feelings rather than avoid them.

To reestablish broken family relationships, anger has to be addressed. Anger can affect people’s perception and mar their judgment. Resolving anger and conflict may sound simple, but actually it can be very nerve-wracking, particularly when one person believes that they didn’t do anything wrong. This is why seeking help from an experienced counselor is often necessary.

Rebuilding Family Harmony

Rebuilding broken family relationships can take love, patience, and honesty. Forgiveness, regardless of who is wrong, is an act that requires compassion. Rebuilding relationships can take time and effort. Unfortunately, anger and distrust can be buried very deeply in a relationship, and reconciliation may take more than one attempt. The family has to be patient and stay committed to the process. For forgiveness to work, it has to be done with sincerity.

Resolution of anger also takes listening. It is important to understand how your family member feels. Understanding, however, does not equal agreement. Listening is also an important ingredient of a healthy, two-way conversation. Communication is usually the first thing to break down in a relationship and must be repaired when working to repair a relationship.

Counseling Can Help Your Family Heal

Family members can settle some conflicts among themselves, but it can be very challenging. If parents have unresolved concerns with their child, it may not be easy for the child to take their words seriously. Children involved in a conflict may be accused of misleading others to avoid consequences. Unfortunately, it is nearly impossible to be a hundred percent fair and objective within your family or to be perceived that way. Intervention with a reputable counselor may be just what you’re looking for. Thankfully, you don’t have to look any further than Carolina Counseling Services – Sanford, NC to find the therapist that is right for you.

Resolving conflict isn’t generally easy, though it is almost always worth it. Family counseling can provide a safe, neutral ground to process what is keeping your family in conflict. Together, your family can heal, rebuild and strengthen your relationships. You don’t have to stay in constant conflict. Call today to schedule your first appointment.

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