Teen Depression: When and Where to Find Professional Help

Is your teen looking unhappy or acting out often? While you may think it is normal for most teens to have moods that swing like a pendulum, your child may actually be among the 12 percent of adolescents who experience depression. The good news is that depression can be treated, your teen’s symptoms of depression, anxiety, disordered sleep and more can be addressed through counseling. If your teen’s intrusive symptoms persist for more than two weeks, it may be time to get professional help.

The Telltale Signs of Depression in Teenagers

The teenage years are a time of uncertainty when children are often in search of their identity and where they fit in. Your teenager may be susceptible to depression because this is a time when their brain is going through a lot of changes, hormones are shifting, and they may be experiencing stress in school, difficulties with friends and maybe even with family. Your teen may also be predisposed to depression if it runs in the family.

Occasional bad moods, sadness, or withdrawal from family and friends are to be expected for many teenagers. However, in severe cases of depression, the prominent symptoms can include aggression, rage, and feelings of hopelessness. When left untreated, depression can impact an adolescent’s personality and perspectives, leading to other risky behaviors and complications— substance abuse, legal involvement, and potentially even self-harm.

Getting the Right Help for a Depressed Teen

If you suspect the adolescent in your life is experiencing symptoms of depression, don’t wait or hope that their symptoms will go away on their own. As a parent, it can help to be proactive and know what steps to take. Initially, it helps to provide your child with a nurturing environment, but depression has many factors that can be too complicated for you to manage and control. That is why it is important to get help from an expert to effectively treat their symptoms.

Credible help is certainly available. Carolina Counseling Services – Sanford, NC contracts with knowledgeable and caring therapists who can treat Depression effectively. Early intervention has been found to be essential in many cases. Waste no time calling CCS in Sanford, NC to request an appointment.

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