Child Depression Counseling: The Way to Help Depressed Children

Child depression is a serious and special concern. Recent statistics are showing that “as many as one in every 33 children … is affected by depression,” according to the Federal Center for Mental Health Services. Other sources give more alarming statistics. You can’t help but wonder: Is the incidence of child depression really rising, or is the number of children getting treated just growing because of improving awareness of child depression?

Notwithstanding the answer to this question, one thing is clear: Depression doesn’t spare children. Even infants can get depressed. Astrid Berg of the UCT Parent-Infant Mental Health Service confirms this, though it becomes diagnosable only when they reach age 18 through 24 months.

Empower Yourself with Counseling

While no parent would want their children to be gripped by depression, it helps to be realistic and learn what you can about the condition. Knowledge is empowering and helps you make the right decisions.

Learning more can help you accept that depression can happen to any child, including your own. It can make you realize that it is nothing to be ashamed about or to hide. More importantly, knowledge can give you the courage to seek counseling for your child to help them manage the symptoms and regain functionality.

Seeking Help Is Strength

You didn’t cause your child to be depressed, and it is also not your child’s fault. So, don’t feel guilty, and don’t play the blame game. Being afraid or ashamed can be counterproductive. Rather than let these roadblocks deter you from seeking counseling or therapy, focus on finding the help that can make a difference in your child’s life and your family’s as well.

Deciding to do what’s best for your child takes courage. Having a counselor to guide you and help your child can assuage your hesitations, doubts, and fears. Remember that child depression responds well to treatment, with a success rate of more than 80 percent. The most important things you can do are to find a good counselor/therapist and keep supporting and loving your child.

The Help That Will Keep You Going

Parenthood is rewarding, but it can also be very challenging. Watching your child’s emotional health spiral down can make you feel hopeless, sad, and helpless. Your child can most likely only be as strong as you are. To stay strong to journey with your child through depression, call Carolina Counseling Services — Sanford, NC, for help.

Give your child the opportunity to deal with depression and have a fun and memorable childhood without you getting overwhelmed in the process. Call us at Carolina Counseling Services — Sanford, NC.

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