7 Reasons It Can Be Practical
to See a Licensed Therapist

Seeking help from a counselor can be a powerful and positive decision. Recognizing that you are in a stressful situation and need help can be remarkably healthy. It can take courage to reach out. Knowing you want to reach out can be half of the battle, though when you make this decision, you may not know where to start. Let us help!

There is a lot of information out there, some good, some not so good. Through your research you will likely find a lot of options, though you may not know which to begin with. Starting out with seeing a licensed therapist or counselor can be a great place to begin.

There are many other reasons to begin with therapy, here are a few:

  1. Therapists are trained to assess. Therapists are extensively trained to assess and diagnose. When you begin with therapy you will be matched with a counselor who can address your unique needs and make recommendations that will best fit you.
  2. Therapy is private and confidential. It is much easier to open up and share when you know what you tell your therapist stays between you and your therapist. The confidential nature of therapy can be freeing and healing all at the same time.
  3. You want a professional who can give you the treatment you need. Counselors are trained in a variety of therapeutic approaches. When you begin with therapy you are seeing a provider who can offer effective care to work toward resolving intrusive symptoms and making the changes you want to see in your life.
  4. Therapists can give recommendations for other types of care. Therapists are aware of programs and other types of care that could benefit you in conjunction with therapy. Your therapist can make these suggestions and together you can build a treatment plan that is right for you.
  5. You deserve care and support. Life can be downright difficult; you deserve support navigating all that it can throw at you. If you are experiencing intrusive symptoms or things just aren’t going the way you want them to you deserve support. You are not alone, therapy can help.
  6. Therapy can bring about real change. Therapy isn’t something that just happens to you, it involves work and through that work comes real change. If you know things could be better, counseling can help you get there.
  7. Therapy can be longer term, if needed. There isn’t a specific timeline for therapy. You can take the time you need to get to where you need to be to be a healthier, happier you.

There is a way to manage your distressing symptoms: assistance from a professional licensed therapist could be just what you’ve been looking for. Once you have found the courage to take the first step, find a therapist that is right for you. Look no further than Carolina Counseling Services – Sanford, NC. CCS contracts with independent, licensed therapists and counselors that can help. Call today to schedule your first appointment.