The Relief for Your Child’s Anxiety

Anxiety is an emotion that can be felt in a wide variety of ways when you’re not sure of what lies ahead. It can be felt when you don’t have complete control over events that are about to unfold. If you are a human, it’s likely you are familiar with anxiety. Anxiety can be overwhelming for adults, it can be far more frightening for children who have less of an understanding of what is going on.

Understanding Anxiety 

Anxiety can be better understood as another word for fear. In your moment of fear, your strongest primary instinct can be survival. This instinct produces energy in the form of feelings. This is often described as our “fight or flight” mechanism. When this happens our body prepares us in a multitude of ways to either fight or run away from danger. This is great when there is a threat, not so great when it is in response to anxiety.

For many with anxiety, it can feel like their body is going full throttle, but there’s no place to go. This can leave us feeling edgy or out of control. This can be even more complicated for children as they feel all these things but don’t possess the skills to process what is happening. Left unchecked, the feeling ends up building and feeding on itself.

When Anxiety Manifests in Your Child’s Behavior

It’s normal for children to experience fear and anxiety as they grow up. Unfortunately, age appropriate fear can grow and become unhealthy. If you find that your child’s fears are becoming excessive and/or preventing them from living their young lives they may be experiencing symptoms of an anxiety disorder.  

While there are various ways anxiety can be expressed, it can be difficult to know when it is becoming unhealthy for your child. It can be alarming when your child is too afraid to perform age-appropriate tasks or to engage in activities with peers. You know your child best. If you are concerned about their fear or behavior it may be time to consult a child therapist.

Finding Help for Your Child’s Anxiety

No one loves and knows your child more than you do. If something doesn’t feel right you deserve to find out more. Carolina Counseling Services – Sanford, NC contracts with skilled therapists who can help. 

In a safe, nurturing environment, your therapists will use the most appropriate treatment approach for your child. Let us work together to help your child realize they can be strong in the face of their fears. Call now to request an appointment.

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