Depression In Children:
How to be There for Your Child

Depression in children and adolescents has dramatically increased in the recent forty to fifty years. In fact, the term “depression” is so ingrained in our culture that adults, and even children, tend to use the word whenever they feel sad or low about something. In reality, every child goes through episodes of sadness at one time or another. But, when your child seems distressed or despondent for a prolonged period of time, it can mean more than a feeling of sadness. It can be a real case of depression.

The Problem with Child Depression

In the past, children were not thought to be susceptible to depression. At other times, their symptoms are mistaken as normal part of the development process. After all, what could be the reason for a child to be depressed at an early age? It is also difficult for parents to identify where the line between normal development, growth problems, and depression begins and ends. Thus, children experiencing depression then were seldom given proper attention and often escaped diagnosis.

In many ways, depression in children has similar symptoms with adults. With children, however, there is more difficulty to pinpoint the underlying cause due to their limited ability to verbally express their feelings.

The Image of a Depressed Child

For each child, the cause of depression is different. It can be anything from divorce or separation of parents, death of a loved one to bullying or difficulty at school. How a child responds to different stressors depends on his or her personality and the situation. The child may exhibit a variety of symptoms, including irritability, crying, changes in eating or sleeping patterns, confusion, anger, lack of concentration, loss of interest or pleasure in anything, and a general sense of sadness.

It is also common for a depressed child to act out and misbehave. These two primary symptoms are an intense component of a child’s behavior to indicate the difficulty in accessing the problem-solving skill. Like adults, children act out in one way or another when they become desperate with problems.

Exercising Parental Control to Help Your Child

This is not the time to be depressed yourself if you suspect your child has symptoms of depression. Know that the condition is highly treatable, but when it goes untreated, it may get worse. The key is to seek a professional who specializes in treating depression in children.

Instead, this is the time to exercise your parental authority, especially when your child or teen refuses to go to therapy. At this point, the counselors independently contracted by Carolina Counseling Services – Sanford, NC can help you. Make a call to set an appointment so you’ll know what treatment options are available and appropriate for your child.

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