How Can Treatment for my Depression Help my Family?

About 14.8 million people in the United States are experiencing depressive symptoms, says the Anxiety and Depression Association of America. Depression doesn’t occur in a vacuum. When someone is experiencing depression, it affects those around them as well. Families are impacted by depression, especially when it goes undiagnosed or treated. 

Few things are more distressing than watching a loved one struggle with depression. Sooner or later, without help or treatment, symptoms may exact a heavy toll or have profound effects. With treatment, you can recover from the symptoms of depression. Counseling can help you work toward remission and improve your relationships damaged by depression.

The Impact on Relationships and Family

Depression can impact your relationships. Though it may not necessarily be the root cause of a divorce or unhappy marriage, it can contribute to conflicts just as marital conflicts. It can be a vicious cycle making it difficult to know what may have come first. 

Parents experiencing depressive symptoms are also likely to have children who are predisposed to depression. Symptoms of depression can include sad mood, irritability, difficulty making decisions and loss of interest. All these symptoms and more can be detrimental to family members. 

Breaking Free from Depression as a Family

Depression is treatable. If one family member is experiencing depressive symptoms, family therapy can be helpful for the whole family. Therapy can not only be helpful to the person experiencing depressive symptoms but for everyone involved. Increased understanding can lead to support and reconciliation. 

Family therapy can also help you and your family to process conflict and find resolution. Together you can learn skills to improve communication leading to healthier relationships. 

Get Help for a Happy Marriage and Family

If you are experiencing depressive symptoms, it is important to consider getting treatment. While a family’s love and support can help, proper intervention is necessary to reach remission. Therapy can help. 

Carolina Counseling Services – Sanford, NC contracts with skilled therapists who know how to treat depression. Call today to get started!

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