Marriage Counseling:
Could It Be Your Missing Ingredient?

Marriage could be compared to a recipe: you often get what you put in. Every couple is unique, what is needed at different times will vary. Knowing what you need can be challenging, resulting in a lot of trial and error. If you feel you are struggling to find the right ingredients for your relationship, marriage counseling can help. 

Trying to find what is right for you and your relationship can lead to conflict. Unresolved or perpetual conflict can lead to further damage for your marriage as well as yourself. This damage can include sadness and worry and even escalate to depression and anxiety. Therapy may be just what your relationship is missing.

Through the Years: Working on the Challenges

Relationships and life situations are continually evolving and changing, this is natural and is not necessarily a bad thing. There can be times when you feel hopeful, eager, contented, enjoying your relationship. These times can be wonderful and deserve to be enjoyed. However, despite your best efforts, life can and will happen.

When you face changes and obstacles you may be left feeling that your marriage isn’t as resilient as you once thought. These are the times when you may find yourselves struggling, dissatisfied, frustrated, and even angry at how things are. The difficult times and the challenges may become overwhelming. It can be hard to know what to do or where to turn when this happens.

As your marriage evolves, new challenges will likely come into your lives. For your marriage to stay strong, you have to address these obstacles as they come. Marriage counseling can help you be proactive and protect your relationship.

“I Do” for a Lifetime

It is unlikely that you would have gotten married with the intention of getting divorced. It is a reality, nonetheless, that divorce happens in about 40 to 50 percent of marriages. Conflicts may happen once in a while during the early part of your marriage, then gradually become more frequent and more intense. This is when you may start questioning whether your marriage will be lifelong.

Having a lasting, rewarding marriage is not impossible. It is something that you can achieve despite frustration, heartache, anger, indifference, depression, anxiety, etc. It can be helpful to make your marriage a priority, marriage counseling can be a pivotal part of this. Working on your marriage doesn’t mean just staying married when you are unhappy. It doesn’t mean just “going with the flow,” hoping that something miraculous will happen to change the way things are. If you want your marriage to last, give it a fair chance with the assistance of an experienced, unbiased therapist.

Not All Advice is Created Equal

In your search for help you may have gotten a lot of advice and read many words of wisdom from happy couples and “gurus”. There is a lot of information out there and it seems that everyone has an opinion. While most advice is given with good intentions, no one knows your relationship like you do. Counseling can help you and your partner address your unique needs and find solutions that work for you. Relationships are not one size fits all, your solutions aren’t either.

Relationships can be complicated. There can be many elements, conflicts, feelings, and sometimes people involved in your concerns. Just reading about ways to address your problems can be equally problematic. Applying or “living” what you have learned, however, can be challenging.

If you intend to work on your marriage, couples counseling may be the missing ingredient. There are a number of ways for a marriage counselor to help you. Meeting and talking about your concerns with a counselor can be liberating; it offers you the opportunity to express your emotions, receiving feedback and support.  Anxiety, depression and other symptoms that may result from difficulties in your marriage can also be addressed and resolved.

Why Call CCS Now?

Call now because couples therapy works. Your marriage is important to you, and you want it to have the resilience to withstand challenges, don’t wait to get help.  Sweeping issues under the rug can be easier, but it will not lead to a healthy, resilient relationship.

Your marriage can benefit from counseling in so many ways. Counseling can help improve your communication and find common ground again. In a neutral venue, you can open up without fear, allowing you to talk to each other and understand each other better.

As your marriage evolves from season to season, you have to work to continue to grow together. Leaving conflicts unresolved can only work against your marriage. Be proactive, early intervention is often best. Call Carolina Counseling Services — Sanford, NC, now and schedule your first appointment.

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