Don’t Let These 5 Road Blocks Hinder You From Getting The Help You Need

Everyone has a story to tell about grief, fear, sadness, failure and stress. Even the happiest and most successful individuals struggle. Things happen that are beyond your control, affecting your emotions and thoughts in ways you didn’t think possible.

What Stands in Your Way?

When you are feeling out of control or experiencing intrusive mental health symptoms, therapy can help. Counseling and medication management can be powerful interventions to improve the quality of your life. So what gets in the way? 

  1. Stigma and Preconceived Notions: Unfortunately, seeing a therapist has been frowned upon in the past. Nowadays it is far more common and accepted. Healthcare is taking a more holistic approach, realizing that mental health is just as important as physical health. If you aren’t feeling your best emotionally, therapy and medication management can help. 
  2. Fear of Reliving Painful Experiences: Many believe that in order to move forward they must re-experience the past. While this can be healing for some, it can be retraumatizing for many. Therapy focuses on how you are feeling now and what is getting in your way. You don’t have to re-experience trauma to move forward. Talking about your experiences can help you find a path to a better future. 
  3. Fortune Telling:  Have you ever assumed something wouldn’t work before you even tried it? Most of us have been there a time or two, however, this can be more prevalent when we are experiencing depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, OCD, PTSD etc. Mental health conditions can impact your thought processes, leaving you feeling negatively and more likely to expect negative outcomes. This can lead to thinking “nothing has worked so far, why would this?”. Therapy and medication management can help, though they aren’t magic and take time. Be patient and involved in the process and you are likely to see positive outcomes. 
  4. The Cost of Treatment: Therapy and medication management can be expensive, though many providers do accept insurance. Learn more about your insurance and how it may help you with CCS. If you choose an experienced and skillful counselor, you can get more value for your hard-earned money. 
  5. Not Knowing Where to Start: Many wonder if they need to start with a therapist or a psychiatrist. The reality is, there’s no wrong place to start. The important thing is that you start. Both providers are skilled in assessment and can make recommendations on any additional treatment you may benefit from. Many find that a combination of therapy and medication management works best for them. 

Carolina Counseling Services in Sanford, NC contracts with skilled licensed therapists and prescribers. You don’t have to choose between therapy and medication management with CCS, you can start both at the same time! 

Don’t let barriers and roadblocks keep you from getting the care you need and deserve. Call CCS today to schedule your first appointments. Online sessions are also available, making getting the care you need and deserve easier than ever before!