Is It Possible to be a Parent
and Find Time for Yourself?

It is often said that parenting is the most challenging job you’ll ever do, and yet it can bring you great joy and happiness. Raising your children and seeing them develop into unique people can be a reward in itself, though it can be challenging getting them there.

Psychology Today aptly describes parenting as “the ultimate long-term investment for which you need to be prepared to put far more into it than what you can get out of it.” While parenting can bring joy, the work and exhaustion that accompany parenting can also contribute to depression and anxiety. Finding balance and time for yourself as a parent can be challenging. 

The Challenge of Finding Balance as a Parent

Regular stressors and high-intensity demands are to be expected when you are a parent. You are not only parenting and taking care of the children, you are also expected to run a household while maintaining a social life and even a career. Even one of these roles can be overwhelming, when you are taking on multiple roles on a daily basis it’s likely you are feeling overwhelmed. 

The idea of finding time for yourself and your relationships may seem laughable. If you are feeling this way, you aren’t alone. While many feel this way, you don’t have to stay stuck in this. You can begin to carve out time for yourself. 

We Are No Good to Others If We Aren’t Good to Ourselves

One of the best examples of why self-care is important is the speech you get about your airmask on a plane. You are instructed to put your mask on first before assisting others. How can you help your children or anyone else you care about if you pass out? This is a wonderful example for our lives as well. 

You must take care of yourself in order to be there for those you love. This isn’t just important for parents, it is important for everyone. You also set a good example for your children when you practice self-care and find balance in life. 

Finding Balance

The search for balance is a never ending process. We are always striving to practice better self-care and find more balance. Life will never stop changing or throwing us curveballs. We can simply do what we can to stay healthy physically and mentally so we can tackle these challenges head on. 

Parenting is wonderful and overwhelming all at the same time. You deserve support and you deserve to focus on your own needs. This will allow you to show up more and be more present in your life. Make time for yourself and seek balance with counseling. Call CCS in Sanford today to get started!

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