Understanding the Challenges
of a Quarter-Life Crisis
Many people from the ages of 25-35 experience stress and confusion that can be brought about by many things. Oftentimes this time of life is thought of as being fun and carefree, though that is not always the case. This can be the moment in one’s life where they feel more alive, meeting people, discovering places and going on adventures. While many exciting things can happen during this time in your life, many stressful things can happen too. There are many obligations and expectations to live up to. It is easy to begin to feel overwhelmed and wonder about your purpose in life. Counseling can help.
Shedding Light on Quarter-Life Crisis
Many professionals define a quarter-life crisis as a period when people ages 25-35 become worried about certain aspects of their life, such as the direction of their career and the quality of their relationships. These young adults become troubled about their success and often ask themselves “is this really the path that I should take?” They often feel intimidated choosing a career, wondering whether to pursue what they love, or just grab whatever opportunity presents itself that is secure and/or lucrative.
The tasks of weighing and picking career options and attending to new or added responsibilities can distract you from “living the time of your life.” You may find yourself feeling overwhelmed, struggling and trying to make sense out of your adult life. People having a quarter-life crisis often feel worried, unsure, and uninspired. This period of doubt typically happens in interval phases in the college years and after. You may experience conflicting thoughts, and this may take a toll on your physical and mental health.
There are many reasons as to why a person experiences a quarter-life crisis. One is the dream to succeed in a career you are most passionate about. At this point in time, you may also try to overcome the challenges brought about by living independently. Other struggles may include finding a life partner and reaching personal and professional goals.
Conquering the World with Focus and Drive
Compared to older generations, millennials believe that wallowing solves nothing. Young adults of this era are more progressive in their thinking, considering counseling and therapy as productive, proactive, positive, and not something to be embarrassed about. These days, young adults are more open to discussing their problems and emotions to find solutions. There are many who have sought support for their quarter-life crisis and found skillful ways to move forward.
Carolina Counseling Services – Sanford, NC contracts with skilled and effective therapists that can help you move forward. With professional help, you can understand and face stressful situations or thoughts, so you can continue living the life you deserve. They can help you adjust and experience a smooth transition as you go through everyday problems and life-changing challenges. Call CCS today to get started.